901 Penhorn Ave, Unit 6,Secaucus, NJ 07094. Tel: 201-348-1800 Fax: 201-348-2800

Third Party Billing Provisions

U.S. Customs Brokerage

Grantor was requested that certain or all charges for the services provided by Livingston under the Power of Attorney be invoiced to:

(the “Third Party”). In connection with such Third Party billing arrangements, Grantor agrees to the following:

  1. Grantor is the Importer of Record for merchandise imported under this Power of Attorney. Grantor confirms it has “right to make entry” as the owner or purchaser of the goods being imported, in accordance with CBP directive 3530-002A.
  2. Agreed to terms of payment will be adhered to by both Grantor and the Third Party. Grantor hereby guarantees payment to Livingston of all charges invoiced to the Third Party not paid in accordance with terms agreed upon.
  3. Grantor undertakes to ensure that the Third Party provides it with copies of all necessary and available documentation for proper maintenance of records as required by U.S. Customs regulations, 19 USC, Sec. 1509 a1A (and any amendments thereto) which pertain to the legal responsibilities of the Importer of Record.
  4. Grantor waives any requirement for Livingston to separately provide it with a copy of the entry or bill for services. In accordance with 19 CFR 111.24, Grantor grants authorization for Livingston, its subsidiaries and affiliates, to share the confidential information and records in their possession with the Third Party as is necessary to fully perform the services.
  5. These Third Party billing provisions are subject to the terms of the Power of Attorney and Service Terms and Conditions and in no way limit or change any due diligence and reasonable care requirements, or any other responsibility the Importer of Record has to CBP or any other U.S.government agency or department. These responsibilities include, but are not limited to, issues of admissibility, valuation, classification,bonding and recordkeeping requirements.

In witness whereof, the said (Grantor)

has caused these presents to tbe sealed and signed.